The Swan Song Project wins national award for bereavement support
Leeds-based charity The Swan Song Project has recently been awarded a ‘Shine a Light’ award for going above and beyond to support bereaved people across the country. The Swan Song Project is a unique charity that helps terminally ill and bereaved people...
Swan Song helps bereaved and terminally ill people tell life stories – Feature in the Telegraph & Argus
Thank you to Bradford based paper The Telegraph & Argus for this lovely feature about our work. “Swan Songs tell the stories of loved ones life”. Featured 19/12/24. Click the link below to read the full story. “WHEN Michael Mcalpine’s wife Nicky...
Bradford Widower remembers his late wife in a song this Christmas
Bradford widower remembers his late wife in a song this Christmas. Michael Mcalpine sadly lost his wife Nicky on the 10th January 2024. It has been a tough year for Michael processing his grief, one thing that really helped him was writing a song in memory of Nicky...
“Songs can live forever” Swan Song in Rarity Life Magazine
Read “Songs can live forever” In conversation with Ben Buddy Slack in issue 11 of Rarity Life magazine. Rarity Life Magazine is a truly inclusive magazine for those affected by disability, rare disease or cancer and is produced by Same but Different CIC....