Written by Corey Umpleby & Lisa Marie Glover

“We first met Corey in June 2020, he then came to live with us long term. My husband David was sadly diagnosed with a glioblastoma brain tumour in 2022  and died in June 2023, hence Corey’s song ‘Three Years Together’. It may have only been 3 short years but there is no doubt that they adored each other and had a profound effect on each other. Corey made Dave’s life complete and Dave gave Corey unconditional love, massive support, amazing memories and taught him how to be a good man and what a ‘Dad’ should be. We are incredibly proud of Corey for writing this song with the lovely Lisa from The Swan Song Project (who sang it for him) and he was able to spend some time in the studio in Leeds playing the drums to be added to the song. ” Tanya Umpleby


Dad was a farmer who liked to drive his tractor,

And go out on his quad bike,

I’d follow him around,

to the place I like down by the river,

Where we would see who could skim the most stones,


Three years together,

During that time,

We would like to go out for family meals to the pub,

We hired a camper and went to Scotland,

We’d go to the beaches and paddle in the water


He bought me a bottle of whiskey for my 18th birthday in scotland,

He would sometimes have a beer on a night or a pint in the pub with us or his friends,


Down in the field cutting the grass,

Walking the dog, helping him around the farm


In the summer we’d drive the pickup down to Dad and take a picnic,

And eat it in the sun,

I started young farmers just like Dad did,

He really enjoyed it so I thought I’d give it a go


Dad was a farmer who liked to drive his tractor,

And go out on his quad bike,

I’d follow him around,

to the place I like down by the river,

Where we would see who could skim the most stones,

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