Written by David Harnett, Bev Harnett, Sam Hodgson & Ben Buddy Slack. 


1977 we started our dance

In the Red Lion Pub we found romance

I asked to walk you home

You invited me in

You made some coffee

We talked untill 6am


Ormi darling, Ormi Babe

The best thing that ever happened to me

Life’s not been easy,

We’ve had sickness and pain,

If I could do it over Babe

I’d dance with you again

We wed at Christmas time

Wedding bells mistletoe and wine

We’ve had some fun

Husband and wife,

We’ve raised a family,

I’ve loved our life

All we’ve done fills me with pride

44 years side by side

We’ve shared our hopes

We’ve shared our fears

We’ve had more laughter

Than we’ve had tears

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