FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Donate We believe everyone should have the opportunity to write their Swan Song. Thanks to the generosity of the public we are able to offer this service with no charge to participants. Click Here Name Email Address Message 1 + 8 =...
Yorkshire charity offers a swansong opportunity for people facing death and bereavement
The Yorkshire charity was founded in 2017 by songwriter Ben Buddy Slack after he lost his grandma and was left regretting not recording her singing. Since then, the project has supported more than 60 people to express themselves in song. See the full story here...
Marie Curie – “Songs can be the soundtrack to your life”
Musician and songwriter Ben Slack is helping people living with a terminal illness to compose songs about their lives. Working with Ben, people write and record a piece of music and then share it with friends and family if they wish to. See the full story here Search...